The benefits of cleansing your skin

Posted March 9, 2023

There are plenty of benefits to cleansing your face

Remove grime and debris to help prevent acne breakouts
Wash away pollution build up to help minimise free radical damage, which is associated with premature aging
It's key to removing dead skin cells that build up on skin and can contribute to a dull complexion

Let's not be too enthusiastic though... Over-washing may leave your skin feeling squeaky clean, but it is actually causing damage. The aim of cleansing is to remove excess oil, dirt, pollution and makeup, without compromising the skin barrier.

Select the right cleanser for you - Here is a rough guide, but it really does come down to personal preference - just make sure it doesn't make your skin feel dry afterwards.
If your skin tends to be dry or sensitive, try creamy, nonfoaming cleansers. Try our Facial Cream Cleanser 
And if your skin is oily, a gel cleanser might be better suited Gentle Facial Cleansing Gel

Washing your face with hot water can actually be very irritating. Use cool or luke-warm water, as hot water can lead to flushing, especially if you have rosacea or sensitive skin.

Here at Dermatech we recommend cleansing twice a day - in the morning and before you go to bed. If you are only going to cleanse once a day, we recommend to wash in the evening to remove the days accumulation of grime. This way you have a clean face resting on your pillow. We also recommend cleansing your face after a workout.

You don't need to use a toner with our Dermatech cleansers. 
Cleansers today are much more effective than they were in the past, so a toner isn't always necessary. If your cleanser isn't cleaning your skin efficiently, then it might be the wrong option for you. And if you're a regular makeup user, a double cleanse may be needed.

Use a soft, clean face cloth to rinse away your cleanser, and use a new one each time. Bacteria can build up on towels, and then be transferred to your face. To dry, either pat  with a clean towel, or simply let air dry.




